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What is VET?

Vocational Education & Training in Schools - VETiS

Students in their Senior secondary schooling can undertake a VET subject as part of their course of study. VET subjects are nationally recognised accredited training courses that prepare students for specific careers within the workplace or support their transition to vocational and further education options. Senior students undertaking the VCE. or VCAL certificates in Victorian Secondary schools can incorporate a VETiS subject as part of their course of study.

Students undertaking the V.C.E. certificate who complete a Certificate in VET subject will benefit from having gained credit towards their ATAR score,gain familiarity on how workplaces operate which will support their transition to employment and gain valuable employability skills.

The VCAL course of study provides Year 11&12 students with practical work related experiences, literacy & numeracy skill development as well as personal development skills. VETiS is a key component of the VCAL course that contributes towards the achievement of credit for the VCAL certificate.

Recognition of VET within the VCE and VCAL mean that students who complete the nationally recognised qualification may receive credit towards satisfactory completion of their VCE or VCAL certificate.

For further information on VET subjects available  in VCE and VCAL and the requirements visit:

Report on VET Statewide Workshop

The VET Statewide Workshops for 2016 were rolled out across the state during the month of November 2016.  The full day program was jointly presented by representatives from VCAA/VRQA and DET.  The Workshops covered the format and arrangements for VET provision for the 2017 school year including changes and new arrangements.

VCAA - The VCAA presentation covered the areas of:

  • Assessment requirements
  • Program updates
  • Scored assessment
  • SWL & industry pathways
  • VASS updates

For further information and workshop handouts contact VCAA

VRQA - The VRQA presentation covered the areas of:

  • SBAT
  • VRQA role
  • Training contract obligations
  • Reforms & potential directions

For further information visit the VRQA website

DET - The DET presentation covered the following areas:

  • DET policy
  • Work experience & SWL Orders
  • Child safe standards
  • Funding support
  • SWL service and portal

Click here to access VET Student Loan Information Booklet-

2020 VET Student Loan Information Booklet


For further information contact the Department of Education and Training - Career Pathways Unit on (03) 9637-2314.