Melton Men’s Shed mentor Exford Primary School students
The “Sheddies” from the Melton Men’s Shed have just completed mentoring grade 5 & 6 boys from Exford Primary School in a 6 week woodwork program. The students attended the Melton Men’s Shed on a Monday afternoon to learn woodwork and carpentry skills from their sheddy mentors. The students designed and built an elaborate toolbox, pencil case and Father’s Day shield as their project during this time.
The Melton Men’s Shed have generously given their time and the materials needed to work with the boys on this community project program. The students learn new skills and expertise that they would nor normally have the opportunity to experience in their general primary school program. The Sheddies are able to share with the students their knowledge and experiences that they have gained through their careers in the carpentry area. At the conclusion of the program the students were presented with their toolboxes and achievement certificates by their sheddy mentor.
The Brimbank/Melton LLEN is pleased to be a partner in this project and thank the Melton Men’s Shed for giving their time and support to the students from Exford Primary School.