Community Transition Support (CTS)
The CTS Initiative is funded by the North and West Division of the Department of Health and Human Services and operates across the North and West Metropolitan region of Melbourne. Future Connect is one of a Consortium of seven LLEN's across the North West Metropolitan Region of Melbourne that is implementing this project.
The initiative will build the capacity of the 22 specialist schools across the region to improve career development practice and broker local strategic partnerships to enhance opportunities for the whole of school community. The CTS team are working with the 14 Local Government Authorities (LGA) across the North West Melbourne region and a range of community service providers including Disability Employment Services, Group Training Organisations, Registered Training Organisations, not for profit community services, further education and training providers including TAFE's, Learn Locals and Neighbourhood Houses and industry and business. Jackson School in St Albans is one of the special schools involved in this project.
The Jackson School Community Partnership Pilot Project began in 2014. The Pilot Group developed the School Based Framework to improve parent consultation and involvement in post school pathway planning. The Jackson Action Team is now focused on engaging the partner service organisations providers in programs that deliver information and access to parents about the post school opportunities for their children.