CaLM Exhibition - Photography

On Track Connect

On Track is a Victorian Government initiative in which young people who have recently left school are surveyed to determine their immediate post school destination.  This provides important information for post schooling education planning and youth support services.

On Track surveys are conducted by the Social Research Centre, on behalf of the Department of Education and Training (DET).The surveys are undertaken within six months of the young people leaving school to see if they are on a path to further education, training or employment.  If they are not fully engaged, the young people are offered further assistance via a referral service - this referral service is known as On Track Connect.

On Track Connect (OTC) follow up for young people requiring further assistance was provided by Local Learning & Employment Networks (LLENs) across the state from 2003 to 2009 and by Youth Connections from 2010 to 2014.  With the termination of Youth Connections, LLENs have once again taken on the task of following up those young people who indicated that they required some assistance with options in education, training or employment.

During May and June 2015 LLENs received the names and contact details of young people (Year 12 completers and early school leavers) who had asked for further assistance following the On Track survey.  The OTC service was provided to the young people and each LLEN submitted a final report to DET in August.

In 2016 LLENs again received the names and contact details of young people (Year 12 completers and early school leavers) who had asked for further assistance following the On Track Survey.  From May to August 2016, the BMLLEN managed the implementation of the On Track Connect contract.  Workplace Learning Project Officer, Di Debrincat, contacted all young people referred to the BMLLEN from the State wide On Track Survey.  Di was able to set up appropriate referral arrangements to provide advice to young people requesting further  assistance about options for re-engagement with education, training or employment.

In 2016, 94% of all referred Year 12 completers or early school leavers were provided with pathways advice and connections to services and agencies.  The remaining 6% were uncontactable.

The State wide LLEN Network continues to work with DET to deliver the On Track Connect project up to and including 2024.