Structured Workplace Learning
Structured Workplace Learning takes place when senior secondary students have an opportunity to work with an employer to develop a set of skills or competencies. Students who do SWL might be undertaking the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) or Vocational Education and Training (VET) delivered in Schools. Students will discuss SWL with their teachers as they near the end of Year 10. Students will generally commence their SWL placement in Term 1 or the start of Term 2. Placements generally take place one day a week, however, some students opt to complete their placement over a 2 week block during the school holidays.
Students are required to have the Structured Workplace Learning Arrangement Form signed by the employer, student, parent/guardian, and Principal/Acting Principal prior to the commencement of the placement. All SWL arrangements must comply with the Ministerial Order 55 - Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements. You can find out more about SWL, forms and Ministerial Order 55 here