Online Resources
On this page you will be able to find links to resources which support employers, teachers and agencies understand workplace learning and the SWL portal. We hope to keep this page updated as meetings and events occur during the year. If you feel that a useful resource is missing or needs to be developed - please email: megan.cooke@futureconnect.org.au
Improving Workplace Learning for Students: Introducing the SWL State-wide Portal
SWL Travel and Accomodation Form
Child Safe Standards and Workplace Learning for Employers
Improving access to SWL Opportunities
SWL Travel and Accomodation Form -2017
Principal's SWL Exemption Form
Child Safe Standards and Workplace Learning Guide: Schools
SWL Portal User Agreement: Non-Government Schools Only
SWL Portal Teacher Access Form: All Schools
Professional Reading
Australia Jobs 2017
The New Basics: Big Data reveals skills young people need for the New Work Order (April 2016)
The New Works Smarts: Thriving in the New Work Order (July 2017)
The New Work Mindset: 7 new job clusters to help young people navigate the new order (Nov 2016)
The New Work Order: Ensuring young Australians have skills & experience for jobs of the future, not the past. (August 2015)