Melton Festival For Healthy Living-Scoping Study Report

On Thursday 23 May the Scoping Report for the Melton Festival For Healthy Living was launched at the Victoria University Campus in Melton.  The Festival For Healthy Living (FHL) is a partnership initiative that is being supported by the Brimbank/Melton LLEN, Royal Childen’s Hospital Mental Health services and the South Western Regional office of DEECD.  The FHL is a unique mental health promotion and partnership initiative that builds the capacity of schools, families and communities to strengthen the mental health and social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people through the arts.

Within the FHL program students work in partnership teams comprising of teachers, health professionals and artists to explore every day issues which affect their wellbeing and health.  The aim is to equip young people with the skills to:

  • Manage themselves and their relations with others
  • Understand the world
  • Act effectively in that world

A detailed copy of the Melton Festival for Healthy Living – Scoping Study Report can be accessed through the following link: Melton Festival For Healthy Living-Scoping Study Report