BMLLEN have moved office

Hi All, the BMLLEN has moved offices.  We haven’t gone far, just up two levels in the same building.  Our new address is Suite 3, Level 3, 13-15 Lake St Caroline Springs.  We will shortly have a new landline number but in the meantime, staff mobile numbers can be found on the BMLLEN website contacts…

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BMLLEN 2018 Annual General Meeting

The BMLLEN held its Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2018 at Quest Caroline Springs.  The Guest Speaker was Darren Cunningham, Positive Ageing Officer from Melton City Council/Men’s Shed Program. Ollie Gladwell, Chair of the BMLLEN, expressed her thanks to the Committee of Management and BMLLEN staff for their dedication and hard work during 2017.…

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BMLLEN now has a facebook page

The BMLLEN recently launched a facebook page.  The page is designed to help our local students and parents connect with relevant, worthy and current information.  Please be patient while we continue to build the page and create what we feel will best reflect their needs. We would love it if you took some time out…

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