virtual reality learning

Virtual Reality-Work Experience Simulations

Virtual Reality-Work Experience simulations

 In 2024, Future Connect expanded its repertoire of school-related events and activities by introducing innovative work readiness programs by making Virtual Reality (VR) headsets and virtual work simulations available to schools, offering students an immersive look into various industries.

Future Connects VR experiences allow students to explore various sectors, from warehousing and logistics to health and community services. Through these simulations, students can gain valuable insights into the day-to-day operations of different industries, all from the comfort of their classrooms. This innovative approach engages students in new and exciting ways and helps them make informed decisions about their future careers.

The reception from schools has been overwhelmingly positive. Educators have not only embraced but also praised the VR programs for bringing real-world experiences into the classroom. These programs give students a unique opportunity to explore career paths they might not have considered otherwise, bridging the gap between education and employment. This equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an ever-evolving job market. With the successful integration of VR headsets into their work readiness programs, students can be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that await them.

Listed below are the schools Future Connect has worked with in 2024 applying the VR experiences for students' work learning

  • The CaLM School
  • Melton Specialist School
  • The Jackson School
  • St Albans Secondary College
  • Gilson College
  • Hester Hornbrook Academy
  • Creekside College