News & Updates
Structured Workplace Learning 2019
There were several changes in the SWL space at Future Connect during 2019. Maria Cox finished in April and Lyndsay Mandaru started in August in the position of Workplace Learning Co-ordinator. For the second half of 2019 the focus for the SWL team, namely Lyndsay Mandaru and Di Debrincat, was to strengthen the relationships with schools and employers across the Brimbank and Melton regions. The SWL team visited schools, attended VET and VCAL Cluster and Career's Network meetings, and SWL presentations for students were arranged and delivered in November and December. Future Connect offered a SWL placement to a VCAL student from Hester Hornbrook Academy. During this placement the focus was on assisting Future Connect with upcoming events, attending network meetings and providing SWL administrative support.
SBAT Information Breakfast
On September 10, Future Connect hosted over 50 attendees for the fourth SBAT Information Breakfast held at the Lakeside Banquet and Convention Centre in Taylors Lakes. Teaching and support staff from a range of schools across the Brimbank and Melton regions attended as well as 18 representatives from 12 SBAT providers. The morning started with a presentation from VCAA Vocation Education Manager, Daryl Sutton. Daryl provided everyone with an overview on SBATs and updated all on the changes for 2020. At the completion of the presentation school attendees had the opportunity to connect with SBAT representatives and discussed what was offered by each provider. This event provided chools with the opportunity to view the profiles of each SBAT provider, these profiles were also made available on our website.
Students at Future Connect
Future Connect hosted a number of students during 2019.
Alesia Li - In2018, Alesia, a student from Taylors Lakes Secondary College, was one of the students that assisted Future Connect with a re-branding project through a Structured Workplace Learning placement. This work enabled Alesia to gain real-world experience to complement existing VET studies. Alesia, whilst in Year 11, revisted future Connect in 2019 and was instrumental in the creative design work required to produce our Annual Report as well as in the design of our annual School Leavers Guide. Future Connect continues to work with Alesia as projects arise. Alesia is again heavily involved in the creative publication of the 2019 Future Connect Annual Report. In 2019, Alesia was the recipient of three awards - The Barbara Vojtek Award - Taylors Lakes Secondary College, the Achievement Leadership Award and the Year 11 Art Achievement Award.
Awien Yool - Awien, a student from Kurunjang Secondary College, completed her Senior Certificate in VCAL in 2019. As part of her studies she undertook a School Based Apprenticeship & Training (SBAT) Certificate III in Business Administration through Integrity Business College which involved a Structured Workplace Learning placement at Future Connect one day per week.
Hilda Walsh - Hilda completed her SWL placement with Future Connect in the second part of 2019. Hilda completed her final VCAL year at the Hester Hornbrook Academy with a VET qualification in Business Administration. Hilda worked on various projects including increasing SWL employer engagement and preparation for the All Girls Can - Try A Trade Day. Hilda has gone on to start a traineeship in Business Administration in 2020.