Skills That Matter Information Session

Skills That Matter Information Session – Wednesday 17 October 2018

Di Debrincat from the BMLLEN did a great job in organising the Skills That Matter Information Session which was held on Wednesday 17 October at the Caroline Springs Library.  The Key note speaker was Sacha Kaluri, (The Motivational Company) who is an Author, columnist and radio presenter.  Sacha spoke to parents and young people about the skills necessary to move into the workforce and the paths that may lead there.  Other speakers included Thomas Anbeek from Erasmus Centre 4 Entrepreneurship & Victoria University and Colin Wilson from Keyba Careers.

The second half of the evening involved parents and young people asking questions of panel members made up of:

  • Peter Venables – Integrity Business College
  • Daniel Grech – Apprenticeships Matter
  • Danielja Stojevska – Stojanovic & Associates
  • Tonina Cassar – Electrician/Teacher

Our thanks to those speakers who gave up their valued time to speak to our parents and young people about future career pathways.

Click here to view photos from this event