Managing Dyslexia-Professional Development Workshops

The BMLLEN in partnership with the Learning Disability Network and NDCO are offering a 3 Unit short course delivered over two days on working with Secondary school students that have specific learning differences such as dyslexia.  This is an opportunity for parents, teachers, aides and professionals who work with these secondary school students to gain…

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Celebration of student work from the CaLM Link Up school

The Community and Learning Melton (CaLM) Link Up School will be holding an exhibition and celebration of student work on Thursday 23 October.  The exhibition will encompass photography, music, fine art and audio visual presentations.  The official launch of the exhibition will be at 1:30pm at the Melton Library & Learning Hub, McKenzie St Melton. …

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Successful Transition to Secondary School-Parents Making A Difference

The BMLLEN recently ran a series of Forums for Grade 5 and 6 parents on preparing their child for a successful transition to secondary school.  The BMLLEN engaged the services of Angie Wilcock, a highly regarded Australian expert and speaker on transition in education.  Angie has presented at National and State conferences, is an author…

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