National Disability Coordination Officer appointment

The National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) Program is a Federal Government initiative aimed at improving the transitions of people with a disability aged 15 to 64 years of age into tertiary education and employment.  There are 31 NDCO’s across Australia: 7 located within Victoria.  The Brimbank/Melton area falls under the Western region area of the…

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Brimbank Careers and Jobs Fair

The Brimbank Career and Jobs Fair, held on 6th August 2013, was organised by the Brimbank/Melton LLEN after successfully making a submission to DEEWR for funding a much needed Careers event in the Brimbank area. The Career and Jobs Fair was held in the Club Italia function venue in Sunshine and was widely agreed to…

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Melton Careers Expo

The Melton Youth Service’s annual Careers Expo was held on Wednesday 31 July 2013 at the Melton Community Hall.  Industry and employment workshops were held during the day also, at the Victoria University Melton campus.  There was a wide range of exhibitors representing education, training, employment and community service providers, with over 54 stalls.  Victoria…

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