Skills That Matter Information Session

Skills That Matter Information Session – Wednesday 17 October 2018 Di Debrincat from the BMLLEN did a great job in organising the Skills That Matter Information Session which was held on Wednesday 17 October at the Caroline Springs Library.  The Key note speaker was Sacha Kaluri, (The Motivational Company) who is an Author, columnist and…

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Skills That Matter – a BMLLEN hosted event

This event focuses on addressing skills that matter for school, work and life.  It will feature industry experts who will share tips and strategies about skills and their importance in managing life, work and future decisions.  To register for this event:

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Women In Business Lunch-Brimbank City Council

Di, Maria and Lea from the BMLLEN attended the Women In Business Lunch held on the 14th September at the beautiful Overnewton Castle in Keilor.  We brought along our four Work Placement students, Jess, Matthew, Portia and Chelsea.  MC for this event was Angela Pippos and the speaker was five time Australian Olympic representative, aerial…

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