“Upload Your Future” Event
The BMLLEN hosted an ICT careers event on Monday 30th July 2012 at Victoria University’s Melton campus. This event was delivered through the Department of Business and Industry “Upload Your Future” program and was designed to encourage students to consider careers in the ICT industry and to increase the number of students undertaking ICT-related studies at school.
A number of tertiary institutions and employer organisations held trade stalls at the event, students participated in ICT workshops and listened to guest speakers who all have successful careers in ICT. Students participated in a computer trivia quiz for prizes, and the Careers Officers of the participating schools received external memory drives to ensure that they don’t lose their hard work!
The keynote speaker was Jeanette Wirt, Chair of the Australian Computer Society, who gave a presentation with a strong message about exciting ICT careers, especially for women. Two of the guest speakers were ex-students of schools which participated and are still locals of the area. Leesa Ward was a Kurunjang Secondary College student and now runs her own web design business. Charlie Schembri is an IT technician at Catholic Regional College Melton, having been a Catholic Regional College Sydenham student. Mark Flanagan from Kangan presented an exciting snapshot of his work as a multi-media designer.
Acknowledgements for the day go to Victoria University for donating the use of the venue for the event and organising and delivering workshops, the Australian Computer Society for providing a range of ICT career information, Daryl Rogan from the Department of Business and Industry for his assistance and to the schools and their staff who participated in the day and the many trade stallholders who provided their time, information and resources for students.