Ticket To Work Programs
Ticket To Work brings together a range of local partners to provide young people with a disability access to improve industry-based opportunities in a supported environment in order to successfully participate in work experience placements and School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs).
The Community Transition Support team has initiated and commenced implementation of the Ticket To Work in the West Program in partnership with specialist and special development schools in the Western Metropolitan Region, Future Connect, YouthNow, Integrity Business College, MatchWorks, Victoria University, Wesley Employment Services, Apprenticeships Group Australia, MEGT, Community Training Initiatives, Victorian Department of Education and Training and Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
The CTS team, led by Meri Ivanovski (Meri, pictured above as Guest Speaker at the 2014 BMLLEN AGM) have adapted the Ticket To Work Program that was successfully trialled in the South Eastern Melbourne region, and have developed the program structure and implementation timeline to enable young people from Special schools to commence SBATs in their area of interest. The program partners are collaborating to prepare these young people with appropriate training, information, support and guidance prior to and during the program. They will partner to find opportunities in industry for work experience and SBATs, and to manage the individual needs of the students, the administrative requirements and ensure communication between partners as required.