FutureConnect Local Learning & Employment Network

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BMLLEN “Business Of The Month” April 2013

Apr 23, 2013

“Practical Outcomes” and “Culinary Skills Australia” has been awarded the inaugural BMLLEN “Business Of the Month” for April 2013. Practical Outcomes is a local training company specialising in children’s services, cookery and health programs.  The two Directors, Caren Watts and Kellie Normington set up their office in Caroline springs in 2007 and employ over 30…

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Upcoming BMLLEN events for 2013

Apr 23, 2013

Brimbank/Melton Youth Services Expo (for school staff only): To be held on Wednesday 22 May 2013 from 8:30 until 12:00noon.  The aim of the expo is to connect a vast range of youth service providers with schools and other organisations working with young people.  It is hoped that the outcome will result in service providers…

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BMLLEN Annual General Meeting for 2013

Apr 23, 2013

The BMLLEN will be holding it’s Annual General Meeting for 2013 on Monday 6 May 2013 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at the WestWaters Hotel in Caroline Springs.  RSVPs to Lea Lucas at lea.lucas@bmllen.com.au or 9361-9306.

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18 March 2013 – Connecting Young People To Real Jobs

Mar 14, 2013

The Brotherhood of St Laurence is about to commence a Youth Transitions Program for young people living in the local area of Caroline Springs and the East Melton Corridor.  They are offering five weeks full time training and two weeks work placement to get young people ready to join the workforce.  For more information click on…

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