FutureConnect Local Learning & Employment Network

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CaLM Link Up Exhibition 2014

Oct 28, 2014

The CaLM Link Up Alternative School held its annual exhibition and celebration of student work on Thursday 23 October 2014 at the Melton Library and Learning Hub. The exhibition was a showcase of the work that CaLM students have been involved in during the year.  It included exhibitions of the Art work and Performances by…

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“Growing Up Online” Cyber Safety Information Sessions

Oct 9, 2014

Protecting children from online threats was the subject of a presentation made by Susan McLean, Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people.  Susan was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years and in 1994 took her first report of cyber bullying.  From this case, she identified the emerging problem…

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Managing Dyslexia-Professional Development Workshops

Sep 25, 2014

The BMLLEN in partnership with the Learning Disability Network and NDCO are offering a 3 Unit short course delivered over two days on working with Secondary school students that have specific learning differences such as dyslexia.  This is an opportunity for parents, teachers, aides and professionals who work with these secondary school students to gain…

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Celebration of student work from the CaLM Link Up school

Sep 24, 2014

The Community and Learning Melton (CaLM) Link Up School will be holding an exhibition and celebration of student work on Thursday 23 October.  The exhibition will encompass photography, music, fine art and audio visual presentations.  The official launch of the exhibition will be at 1:30pm at the Melton Library & Learning Hub, McKenzie St Melton. …

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